Top 10k strings from Spectrum Adventurer - Issue 08 (1986)(Spectrum Adventure Exch Club)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   3 ;"________"
   2 ;"_______"
   2 ;"ML8 5RT"
   2 ;"CARLUKE"
   1 ~?3><>7s>sp<
   1 ~<<|`~ff~<~~
   1 t$="SLUICEGATE IN SEWER< < <First go to the park area and<EXAMINE LITTER BIN to find the<empty bottle. Now make your way<to Darwin Street where you can <FILL BOTTLE WITH OIL. From here<go to Scott Street where you<can go DOWN the manhole cover <to enter the sewer.< <First SWITCH ON TORCH before <going EAST-EAST-NORTH-EAST to<find the handle. Now go SOUTH-<WEST-SOUTH-SOUTH-to locate the<sluicegate.To learn what to do,<EXAMINE SLUICEGATE.":
   1 t$="SLUICEGATE (cont)< < <Before you can OPEN SLUICEGATE,<you must first FIT HANDLE INTO<SLUICEGATE and then LUBRICATE<MECHANISM. Once the gate is<open, return to Scott Street<(SOUTH - WEST - NORTH - NORTH -<NORTH - WEST - NORTH - UP)<and head to the next location. <Go down into the Underground to<find that it has been drained<of all water.< <However before going anywhere <make sure you are carrying the <T.V. set from Parkview Road.":
   1 t$="POWER PLANT (cont)< < <EXAMINE BODY and you will find <a valve. TAKE VALVE and go to <the Reactor service corridor,<where you must FIT VALVE TO <BLUE PIPE before CONNECT WIRES<TO VALVE (with the screwdriver)< < <COMPLETION< <All you have to do now is go to<the Control Room and ........<PRESS BUTTON.":
   1 t$="MANOR DRIVE< < <To go west from here without <being arrested by the soldiers,<just make sure you are not <carrying the T.V. set.< < <HOUSE with OVERGROWN GARDEN< <Make your way here by opening<the gates in Kings Close and<then going WEST into the garden<where you must OPEN DOOR before<going WEST again. Once inside<BRACE STAIRS WITH BEAM before<climbing UP them.":
   1 t$="If you want any help or< < advice, or just want to tell< < BIRD of your Top 3 adventures< <write to ..... < <The BIRD & the BALROG< <c/o 26 Spotland Tops< <Cutgate< <Rochdale< <Lancashire OL12 7NX":
   1 t$="HOUSE (cont)< < <From the top of the stairs go<WEST - NORTH - WEST - SOUTH -<WEST - UP onto the roof. SLIDE<DOWN ROOF to reach the parapet<and then JUMP ACROSS ROOF to <reach the apartment block.< < <CHASM (South Way)< <On your way to the chasm you<will find some buns, so TAKE<BUNS and return to the ZOO,<where you can now enter the <Circus Tent and GIVE BUNS TO<ELEPHANT.":
   1 t$="FILLING STATION< < <Here you will find a kiosk <and a pile of rubble. If you<ENTER KIOSK you will find some<sweets and a screwdriver.<To pass the rubble, just CLIMB<OVER RUBBLE.< <WASTE GROUND< < <To be allowed to go WEST from<here, just be carrying the T.V.<But before you do, make sure<you take the Beam with you.":
   1 t$="ESCAPE FROM BUILDING< < <From the top of the lift go <DOWN and then SOUTH to find the<basement. From here go WEST and<SWITCH OFF ISOLATOR.Now EXAMINE<WORKBENCH to discover the Torch<before heading EAST to the end <of the service tunnel and then <UP the stairs into the alley.< <NOTE: Do not go east until you<have switched off the isolator<or else you will be unable to <pass the hanging cables.":
   1 t$="CHASM (cont)< < <Once the car has crashed into <the Chasm it can be used as a <bridge, so go SOUTH over it.< < <POWER PLANT< <To enter here just OPEN GATES<and then go SOUTH. EXAMINE DESK<in the reception area to find a<key before going SOUTH - DOWN -<WEST and using it to UNLOCK<DOOR. If you now OPEN DOOR and<go EAST - NORTH you will find<another body.":
   1 t$="CHASM (cont)< < <Once the Elephant has walked<away, TAKE RAMP (you will need <both hands for this, so ensure <that you leave the screwdriver<at a location next to the chasm<before you return to the Zoo)<then head back to the Chasm. <When you arrive, DROP RAMP <NEAR CHASM and then REMOVE<BODY from car. If you EXAMINE<BODY you will find a key, so<TAKE KEY - ENTER CAR - START <ENGINE before DRIVE CAR ONTO<RAMP.":
   1 t$="BIRD CHAT< <There was going to be some<more tips for TERRORS/TRANTOSS<but Bird and I are still having<problems with it. However, rest<assured we shall include some<next month.< < <Fresh on the adventure scene<is ...BUGSY... the latest from<the girls of ST. BRIDES and it<is BRILLIANT!!! Starring a cute<little blue rabbit, it has shot<into Bird's Top Five and looks<like becoming a firm favourite<for the Number One spot.":
   1 t$="BIRD CHAT (cont)< <  <Bird would just like to say <'Ta!' to all the kind people <who sent off for a copy of his<adventure ...<     An Everyday Tale of <     a Seeker of Gold.< <He hopes you found it enjoyable<and should you need any help<just drop him a line!< <P.S. Due out any day now ...<     The Colour of Magic<The latest from the Quill of <Fergus Mcneill.":
   1 t$="AFTERSHOCK< < <The aim of the game is to make<your way to the Nuclear Reactor<and to operate the secondary<coolant system before the <reactor explodes< < <THE LIFT<To escape from here,<first take the chair from the<office and when in lift,EXAMINE<LIFT - CLIMB ONTO CHAIR -REMOVE<PANEL - CLIMB OUT OF LIFT.":
   1 t$="AFTERSHOCK NOTES< < <1..To return from the roof of <the apartment block to the roof<of the house, just JUMP ACROSS<PARAPET and then CLIMB ONTO <ROOF.< <2..If you wish, you can always<feed the animals in the ZOO by<THROW MEAT to Lions and THROW<FRUIT to chimps.":
   1 t$="< < < < < BYE !< < < <Press any key to read again.< < < < <     The BIRD & the BALROG":
   1 t$="***BIRD'S TOP FIVE***< < <1.TERRORS OF TRANTOSS < <2.THE BOGGIT< <3.VERY BIG CAVE ADVENTURE< <4.BUGSY< <5.AFTERSHOCK< < < <Send in your votes and see if<your fave will enter the chart.":
   1 s6<8<63q~00001
   1 s33??33s~~
   1 proff=9100
   1 o,o;"        press any key           "
   1 m$=m$+"     "
   1 l,c;t$(f):
   1 f,f;"MURDER":
   1 diff=32768
   1 code      
   1 bird      
   1 ZX Monthly
   1 XMAS      w
   1 TEXT      1u
   1 LOADER    -
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 CODE      
   1 CHARLOC=32256
   1 CHARLOC=15360
   1 A merry Christmas and an adventurous New Year to all our readers from everyone at S.A.E.C.........     c
   1 <~ff<f~<<~F~>
   1 ;"up/flight simulator for the Spectrum"" at  least twice."
   1 ;"reviewed Level 9's Worm in Paradise,      predictably enough making it a Megagame.  The other big game this month was Mind-   shadow, by Activision, Smashed by Crash,  but..."
   1 ;"or to evaporate the Black River."
   1 ;"of the new game - a clue is that it ended in ""2"". Mafi... sorry, the sequel was alsovery well received."
   1 ;"longwinded not very chatty section."
   1 ;"esteemed program The Lord of the Rings. A compilation tape called Fourmost Advent-  ures was released which was well received by most. Rumours of the next Level 9 game were spread, arriving ""in late April/May""."
   1 ;"_____________"
   1 ;"____________"
   1 ;"_________"
   1 ;"Yes folks, Castle Thade is back with more locations and more puzzles. Not only have we halved the price but with each order wewill be sending five 25p vouchers for use in our exchange club."
   1 ;"Yep! it is us again.We seem to  be getting quite famous, what   with mentions in 
   1 ;"Well...still not much being released but  I'm sure there will be floods of new      adventures next month."
   1 ;"Well, I here you wonder, what about 1987? What adventures shall we, the esteemed    readership of Spectrum Adventurer, be     playing then?"
   1 ;"Two games caught my eye this month - The  Doomsday Papers and The Extricator. Both  got good reviews from all, but I have     never heard of them since."
   1 ;"This time around we shall be    dealing with                                                    
   1 ;"There is a Lord of the Rings competition  in every magazine... Crash previews the   game and Sinclair User gives it a full    review and the SU Classic status. While   all this was going on, Your Sinclair(cont)"
   1 ;"The proof of that is in the graveyard!"
   1 ;"The last major release this month was Seasof Blood, by Adventuresoft. Based on the  Fighting Fantasy books of Jackson and     Livingstone, the game included a combat   system which introduced a random element  into the game."
   1 ;"The dreaded hunger routine appears after  about 3 hours when you become ""starving   hungry"". Death soon follows if you don't  find something to eat."
   1 ;"The Spectrum Adventurer Review of the     Year, 1986....A summary of all the best   adventures and some of the best forgotten of the past 12 month."
   1 ;"The Price of Magik (supposedly out in     April/May) was Smashed and Classiced (?). This latest game from Level 9 was assured of rave reviews from the moment that the  title had been written down and the       artist, eyes closed, drawing the nearest  thing possible to a tree..."
   1 ;"The BIRD & The BALROG"
   1 ;"THE FUTURE...";
   1 ;"TAPE 8  SIDE 1  DECEMBER 1986                   +JANUARY 1987"
   1 ;"T H E  H O B B I T"
   1 ;"Superman (TM) (sorry , I'll probably end  up involved in a multi-million pound      lawsuit if I leave out the TM, so there itis) cartoons."
   1 ;"Strangely , The Terrors of Trantoss, a    Ramjam game, released at the same time,   also let you play two different people    with more successful results."
   1 ;"Shriek!!!! ZZZZ - ""Bad"" (Crash)/""Five     Stars"" (Sinclair User)"
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"SIDE 1":
   1 ;"SG3 6EW":
   1 ;"SEPTEMBER";
   1 ;"S.A.E.C."
   1 ;"Robin of Sherlock, the second best sellingadventure from Delta 4 was given a        Sinclair User Classic while Derek Brewsterin Crash seemed to be enjoying it a lot."
   1 ;"Price: `0.99":
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY  B - BACK  Q - QUIT"
   1 ;"Oh God...YS had mixed feelings about RebelPlanet, which means I've got to write     another few lines on how mags disagree.   Well I'm not going to."
   1 ;"ON SIDE TWO"
   1 ;"OK, so it only cost a miserly two quid butI have never loaded it again."
   1 ;"OCTOBER";
   1 ;"Not much happened this month. YS burst    onto the scene with a review of that(cont)"
   1 ;"No of Issues"
   1 ;"NOVEMBER";
   1 ;"Murder is a sort of Quilled Cluedo in     which you play the part of a guest in a   hotel where some inconsiderate person has killed the manager."
   1 ;"Lanarkshire"
   1 ;"LOADING"
   1 ;"KNEBWORTH":
   1 ;"Just like this, not easy to read"
   1 ;"January is usually a busy month, with     software companies all wanting to get     their games reviewed in time for          Christmas."
   1 ;"JANUARY";
   1 ;"IS LOADING";
   1 ;"Gosh! For a supposedly quiet month, Augustcertainly had its fair share of releases/ re-releases/re-re-releases etc."
   1 ;"Format: CASSETTE":
   1 ;"Format: CASSETTE     Price: `2.50"
   1 ;"FEBRUARY";
   1 ;"DECEMBER";
   1 ;"As I write, the December issues are still not out so it's anyone's guess what we    shall see this Christmas."
   1 ;"Another compilation out this month, this  time ten games on one cassette. Central   Solutions' ten-pack was given ""fair""      reviews from some, but all of the games   were duff."
   1 ;"Also available from Gilsoft is a UDG and  Character Set designer which includes 20  pre-designed fonts. This will set you back`3.99."
   1 ;"AUGUST";
   1 ;"ALEX MARSH"
   1 ;"A good month. Heavy on the Magick was     released by Gargoyle and collected a CrashSmash and Sinclair User Classic. This roleplaying game was felt by some to be closerto Dungeons and Dragons than Swords and   Sorcery. An adventure? That's up to you todecide."
   1 ;"A couple more games managed to squeeze    into Crash between all the Lord of the    Rings competitions, adverts, reviews etc. The Neverending Story was at last reviewedafter Derek Brewster's futile attempts to load the thing was smashed."
   1 ;"4 Kilmartin Lane"
   1 ;"121 London Road":
   1 ;"...Sinclair User demonstrated how opinionscan differ by labelling Mindshadow as     boring, overpriced, rubbish etc."
   1 ;"*****THE BIRD & THE BALROG*****
   1 ;" We hope you have enjoyed this issue of    Spectrum Adventurer."
   1 ;" United Kingdom    `5.00  `10.00  `18.00"
   1 ;" Single copies and back numbers cost `2.00 each. Add `0.50 for Europe or `1.50 for   the rest of the world for each issue."
   1 ;" Send your answers to :-"
   1 ;" Rest of the World `9.00  `18.00  `36.00"
   1 ;" Please state which adventure you would    like to receive and give an alternative   title in case your original choice is not available."
   1 ;" Make sure you don't miss out on Spectrum  Adventurer by taking out a subscription."
   1 ;" Europe            `7.50  `12.00  `24.00"
   1 ;" All payments should be in Sterling and    made payable to S.A.E.C."
   1 ;"  Solution - 1) The Extricator                         2) The Hobbit                             3) Castle Thade"
   1 ;"  Rebel Planet, another Fighting Fantasy  conversion was released by Adventuresoft  and given good reviews. The only thing I  can say about this game, never having     played it, is that I didn't like the book."
   1 ;"  COMP 4 winner T Allerdyce of Perth chose  The Boggit."
   1 ;"    Closing date for entries is 31st          DECEMBER 1986. Last months winner         will be announced next month."
   1 ;"                   3      6       12"
   1 ;"                                ":
   1 ;"                                                                                                "
   1 .... As long as you enjoyour chats then Bird and I will  be very happy." ;
   1 , the latest release  from Interceptor and featuring  the artwork of yet another of   Bird's heros ...Terry Greer."
   1 +diff-CH*768
   1 *         I
   1 (Hya! to T.B. and P.S.)                                  But the people who really matterare 
   1 (CHARLOC/256
   1 '''"               CONTRIBUTORS"
   1 ''" Unscramble the letters to find the titles of three Spectrum adventures."
   1 ''" Clear your computer and LOAD"""" for The    Balrog."
   1 ''" 1 MOE FANG RICE"
   1 ''"       ALEX MARSH        ";:
   1 ''"          EDITOR  William Young"
   1 ''"                 JUNE ROWE":
   1 '"Why is the hotel closed?"
   1 '"Who is Bumbo Baggins?"
   1 '"While we're on the subject of Level 9 did you know they are working with the zany   Delta 4 team on an adventure to be        released next year."
   1 '"Welcome to issue 8 of SPECTRUM ADVENTURER."
   1 '"We hope to test these products and give   you the results in the next issue."
   1 '"These are only some of the questions you  will be asking yourself in Castle Thade   Revisited."
   1 '"The Council of Light have chosen you to   rid the land of the Lord of Darkness. Manyadventurers have already tried and failed."
   1 '"So don't any key today."
   1 '"Send for it now to:-"
   1 '"OK everyone. Hands up those of you who    haven't heard of The Hobbit. No, not the  book, the computer game which has just    been re-released by Melbourne House at theridiculously high price of `9.95 consider-ing the age of the program and its        complexity compared to the latest games   from Level 9 CRL etc."
   1 '"No mention is given of S.A.E.C. reviews asI'm sure you regularly read the back      issues."
   1 '"How do you deal with a stubborn donkey?"
   1 '"Gilsoft's latest offering for the Spectrumis a new utility imaginatively called The Professional Adventure Writer. Facilities include a multiple command parser, text   compression and the ability to create     pseudo intelligent characters. It should  be available by the time you read this at a cost of `22.95."
   1 '"Gilsoft have also released The Press at   `6.95 which allows you to expand and      compress text making it possible to create40K of text in your adventures."
   1 '"First it was The Middle Earth Trilogy     called Jewels of Darkness now Rainbird is beavering away at a second Level 9 trilogyto be called Silicon Dreams. This will be made up of Snowball, Return To Eden and   Worm In Paradise."
   1 '"A few months ago we reviewed The AdventureBuilder from Tartan Software. This utilityis now being marketed by CRL on its new   budget label and it costs `4.95."
   1 '"5 THE BALROG"
   1 '"4 ALEX MARSH            (NEXT PROGRAM)"
   1 '"3 COMPETITION           ADVENTURE"
   1 '"2 MURDER              2 CHRISTMAS"
   1 '"1 ODDS AND ENDS       1 HINTS AND TIPS"
   1 '" Write to:- Spectrum Adventurer"
   1 '" We look forward to your comments and      suggestions. Your views will help us to   provide the best possible service for     you."
   1 '" The winner will be the first person       picked from the assembled entries who has correctly named all three titles."
   1 '" Finished an adventure? Don't let it       gather dust on a shelf - exchange it for  another one."
   1 '" Do you find the reviews informative? Do   you enjoy the competition? Do we provide  enough hints & tips? What do you think of the monthly adventure?"
   1 '" 3 DARK HEW"
   1 '" 2 DRAT CONGOR"
   1 '"  Many people are now adventuring the       S.A.E.C. way. We probably have more       adventures on our books than you will     find in your local computer store."
   1 '"  (NEXT PROGRAM)"
   1 '"     S.A.E.C."
   1 '"         MAIN MENU"
   1 '"           WIN A FREE ADVENTURE"
   1 '"           SIDE 1"
   1 "Yelp!!!!Hunchback ""Good"" (Crash)/""Rating  of 4"" (YS)"
   1 "The Sinclair User adventure helpline      progressed sideways from being a long-    winded, not very chatty section of the    magazine to being a different       (cont)"
   1 "  Your best bet with The Hobbit is to findone of the mail order companies who are   selling the game for under a fiver and    then buy it. It's a bargain at that price."
   1 "  You may have gathered by now that I am  not an avid fan of the game. I bought it  for `14.95 about a year after its release when people were still praising the game  as ultra-sophisticated, graphically       amazing, incredibly complex, etc, etc."
   1 "  YS made The Price of Magik a megagame   which didn't worry the competition much asthe review was totally unreadable using   red ink on a green background."
   1 "  While Thorin wanders around aimlessly,  doing the only tree things that he is     capable of (singing, waiting and telling  you to hurry up), you can try to enter a  location that is ""too full to enter""(cont)"
   1 "  Well, unless there is some major        catastrophe, old favourites such as Level 9 and Delta 4 will continue providing us  with decent games."
   1 "  Well to start with, The Hobbit was      re-released and you will see my views on  this later. So instead, let's talk about  The Boggit, a spoof of the above game,    written of course by Delta 4."
   1 "  We would still be typing our commands inVerb/Noun format instead of BREAK   (cont)"
   1 "  We have the next part of The Lord of theRings to look forward to, as well as many other games developed by newer software   houses. And don't forget the smaller firmsas well. The Quill still has a potential  for producing good games and so does the  GAC."
   1 "  Unfortunately, January was also the     month in which Your Spectrum turned into achilds comic, renaming themselves Your    Sinclair. This happened before with       Computer & Video Games, which resorted to  ""Smash Hits"" type journalism to try and  gain more readers. A pity."
   1 "  Two other games are worth a mention.    Shadow of the Unicorn was the first (and  last) game to use the Mikro Plus add-on,  which gave the programmers an extra 16K ofmemory to play with."
   1 "  Two interesting Quilled games appeared  in Crash. London Adventure was a game     ""written by enthusiasts"" according to one news item, but the writers enthusiasm     sadly didn't rub off on the vocabulary,   game messages etc."
   1 "  This was afeature which I personally didnot like. However the magazines gave it   good reviews and to the best of my know-  ledge the game sold well.                   Adverts are appearing for The Lord of   the Rings..."
   1 "  This led the reviewers and the public toexpect miracles, and indeed the program   got a Sinclair User Classic, but the poor graphics and high price of `14.95 put manypeople off the game." 
   1 "  There were two games re-released this   month. The Quest for the Holy Grail,      formerly published by Dream, was offered  at `1.99 by Mastertronic. Reviewers       thought it was quite good, but it sent me to sleep with its response time of severalseconds."
   1 "  There is no save facility as the game islimited to 120 moves, 10 moves being equalto 1 hour."
   1 "  There are a number of clues to be found in the hotel, some more obvious than      others. You can also question the staff   and guests - only the murderer will lie toyou."
   1 "  The trouble with the game is that the   adventure is too simple for the undoubted complexity of the database. OK, so the    program understands words like ""except"".  Now find a place or problem where you can constructively use the word. GET ALL      EXCEPT THE ROPE? Why?"
   1 "  The program doesn't even understand     words relating to some of the objects in  the game."
   1 "  The other game was The Eleventh Hour    which I'm not mentioning because of its   superb graphics, large vocabulary and     large map, but because of the fact that itwas my first EXCLUSIVE (oh sorry, I'm     getting carried away with the word) SCOOP.Yes I know I said I wouldn't mention      S.A.E.C. reviews but..."
   1 "  The other game was Runestone, a Midnightclone, introduced into Firebird's ""Hot""   range. It was a Crash Smash in its earlierform, and I understand several improve-   ments have been made, so it should be     worth a look."
   1 "  The greatest fun I had with the game wasbug hunting. There are numerous buglets inthe game, none serious, but all fun to    watch."
   1 "  The fact is that, while it was a good   game in its time, it really can't, no,    shouldn't be able to compete with the     sophisticated adventures now being        written. I dare say a lot of people will  buy it because of their fanaticism over   the book; bad reviews can't stop a good   advertising stunt."
   1 "  The Graphic Adventure Creator was       previewed in Sinclair User."
   1 "  The Graphic Adventure Creator is hailed as the best thing since The Quill...Time  will tell which is better."
   1 "  The EXAM command is somewhat limited    e.g. EXAM PIANO and you will find some    sheet music but if you try to examine it  aain you get the message ""I CAN'T""."
   1 "  The Boggit became a hit, a best seller, a Smash, a Classic, in short a GOOD GAME."
   1 "  Strangely, it wasn't reviewed in the    adventure sections of the magazines so    again I'll leave it up to you to decide   whether it is an adventure game, a        strategy game or both. I would think of itas a bit of both but then my undecidednessstems from the fact that I've never playedit."
   1 "  Sinclair User published a map and       solution for the game."
   1 "  Remember that the dates of the magazinesare always a month ahead of the actual    date of release - God knows why."
   1 "  Other releases this month were the long awaited Questprobe 3 - The Human Torch    (TM) and Thing (TM) (see above). In this  game you could play both of the two       characters but despite this feature the   game was uninspiring."
   1 "  Oh joy, another Gargoyle interview, in  YS this time. This time the dynamic duo   distinguished themselves by yet again     taking the p**s out of everyone and       everything in the software industry. Why  not give them a regular column, Crash?"
   1 "  October was not a very interesting      month, with everyone saving up their      releases for Christmas."
   1 "  Murder would be a reasonable game if theabove faults and some punctuation and     spelling errors were rectified."
   1 "  Membership is completely free. Write      now for full details to:-"
   1 "  Maybe even more importantly, we would   never have played THE BOGGIT."
   1 "  Just as I was going to cancel YS at the newsagents, Mike Gerrard completely       revamped the adventure section. The new   section was absolutely jam-packed with    chat and help, making it the best section around."
   1 "  It just shows how a good game by a smallsoftware house cannot compete with a      terrible game from a large company with a massive advertising budget. Oh well."
   1 "  It agreed with YS though and awarded    Worm in Paradise a Classic while Crash    gave it a Smash. This magazine gave us    another review of Lord of the Rings,      Smashing it. (Can you think of a better   way of saying that Crash awarded it a     Smash?)" 
   1 "  Incentive's Aftershock seemed to be the best of a small selection of very good butnot excellent games reviewed. Others were Return to Oz (TM I'm sure) and HRH, a     spoof based on the Royal Family. That's   about it."
   1 "  If it were not for this game we would   still be playing games like Planet of     Death, reading sparse descriptions with nographics or independant characters."
   1 "  I'm not going to mention any of the     games in December's YS as I bought the    magazine in October, Hardly up to date."
   1 "  I should mention Jewels of Darkness     which got five stars from Sinclair User   and L'Affaire Vera Cruz which got a       Classic. No adventure reviews in Crash as all their space was used up going on aboutselling 100000 copies last month."
   1 "  I read three computer magazines a month and I am surprised if I don't read ""this  is the ultimate adventure/shoot 'em (cont)"
   1 "  I must mention one release...Journey to the Centre of Eddie Smith's Head. Nice    title, eh? Rubbish game."
   1 "  Despite all by general misgivings, no   one can deny the importance of The Hobbit in the history of adventure games."
   1 "  Because of bad weather, the police will take 12 hours to reach the hotel so in themeantime you decide to solve the murder."
   1 "  Beatle Quest was reviewed, a game by    freaks for freaks which was received with mixed feelings. The last game was Time    Sanctuary which demonstrated how the      mighty have fallen - it was released by   Lothlorion. Derek Brewster charmingly     described it as having graphics ""art a la primary school"" which pretty well summed  the whole game up."
   1 "  At last! Hunchback, sorry Hunchback (TM)the Adventure was reviewed. This wonderfuladventure game prompted a Sinclair User   hack to make the following comment in his review - ""Good""."
   1 "  As the game is set in a hotel you can   visit places such as the TV lounge,       restaurant, bar and kitchen, but this mustbe the only hotel to have twisty passages,yes, the ubiquitous maze!"
   1 "  Anyway, the Crash Christmas special     carried an interview with my favourite    double act, Carter and Follis of Gargoyle Games. The two Ronnies have nothing on    these two..."
   1 "  Another satirical game released this    month was The Very Big Cave Adventure, by St Brides. People seem to have mixed      feelings over this one, was it funny or   not?"
   1 "  Another adventurish review was Redhawk, Melbourne House's answer to the     (cont)"
   1 "  Another Sinclair User/ Crash disagree-  ment, this time over Infogrammes          Mandragore. Boring/Good are two selected  words from the two reviews. Take your     pick."
   1 "  After many months of advertising, the   Neverending Story was at last released andgiven good reviews by the press. The other""at last"" game this month was PSS's       Swords and Sorcery, which was advertised  as early as October 1984! Everyone seemed to think it was worth waiting for as it   received rave reviews, Crash Smashes etc."
   1 "  Actually there was a lot more in his    review which he summed up by saying that  the game was vaguely unsatisfying."
   1 "  A sequel was released to probably the   best budget adventure yet, Mafia Contract.I'll leave you to work out the title(cont)"
   1 "  A low price of 99p is no excuse for poorcoding. If you can ignore the faults this game might keep you occupied on a cold    winter night if you have nothing better todo."
   1 "     Lanarkshire   ML8 5RT"
   1 "     CARLUKE"
   1 "     4 Kilmartin Lane"
   1 "            ML8 5RT"
   1 "            Lanarkshire"
   1 "            CARLUKE"
   1 "            4 Kilmartin Lane"
   1  1986 s.a.e.c.
   1  1986 S.A.E.C.
   1   S.A.E.C. 1986"
   1         @  
   1                                "